Last Night On Earth

by Delta Goodrem

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:39 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Mistaken Identity

Song Author

Billy Mann, Christian Burns & Christopher Rojas

Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Piano (LH)
3rd → Piano (RH)

File Size

20 KB




It's the last night on Earth be-fore the great di-vide my hands are sha-king Time was ne-ver on our side And there's no such thing as a beau-ti-ful good-bye as an or-di-na-ry day I prayed for you- a thou-sand times It's ne-ver e-nough no mat-ter how ma-ny times I tried to tell you this is love-- If to-mor-row ne-ver comes- I want you to know right now that I I'm gon-na love you un-til the day I die- And if to-mor-row falls a-sleep- can- you hold me first- I'm gon-na love you like it's the last night on- earth-- like it's the last night on- earth--- it's nev-er e-nough, no. Oh, it's nev-er e-nough--- It's nev-er e-nough- The aft-er glow and the ho-ri-zon line the sha-dows fall- will you still be mine? Will you still be mine?-- Will you still be mine? I ask.